Budget Travel Intentions » Peru http://budgettravelintentions.net Budget Travel Ideas for the Penny Pinching Traveler Tue, 17 Dec 2013 22:28:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8 Volunteer Abroad and Add Meaning To Your Travels http://budgettravelintentions.net/volunteer-abroad-and-add-meaning-to-your-travels/ http://budgettravelintentions.net/volunteer-abroad-and-add-meaning-to-your-travels/#comments Sat, 19 Jan 2013 12:54:14 +0000 http://budgettravelintentions.net/?p=677 If you love to travel and want to explore life in another country to the fullest, then perhaps volunteering to stay with the locals and help them would be a good decision for you. When you volunteer abroad, you get the best of both worlds: travel, and knowing that you have helped others. Why Volunteer [...]

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If you love to travel and want to explore life in another country to the fullest, then perhaps volunteering to stay with the locals and help them would be a good decision for you. When you volunteer abroad, you get the best of both worlds: travel, and knowing that you have helped others.

Why Volunteer Abroad?

If you have a desire to explore the world around you, as well as a need for some adventure in your life, you can volunteer Peru and gain those things and much more. You can spend time with the locals; see how their lives progress from day-to-day. Explore their traditions and become a part of their community. As a volunteer you provide services to them as they teach you and help you discover their world.

Do you love Children? If so, then you could volunteer to be a part of the lives of those little ones who have had a hard time during their young lives. Volunteer at a local orphanage or school to show them all the love you have inside of yourself. You can feel good knowing that you touched their hearts as well, just by being a part of their lives, teaching them about kindness and other valuable lessons they will need, maybe even teach them how to speak English or another language to further your ability to communicate with them.

Is there any way to make your next trip have more meaning than that?

Other Reasons to Volunteer Peru…

If you enjoy working with your hands then why not sign up as a volunteer for construction. You don’t need to have prior knowledge of construction work. Your job duties will involve everything from painting to rebuilding local building and homes. Places that help the community.

Do you have knowledge of the medical profession? Put it to use helping those that need it the most because they can’t afford to pay for medical needs. They will appreciate your care and you will be grateful you could help them so much with everything from vaccinations to helping to cure their illnesses.

There are so many other ways you can help out, just by being the type person who wants to. Just because you care enough to be there in a place that needs you so much!

How does it Work?

To get started, you do have to pay a small fee depending on the amount of time you want to stay. This fee covers your living arrangements, food, and Spanish classes if you don’t already know how to speak the language, as well as your flight. You will need money for the time you are volunteering, and most say that just a few dollars a week is good.

From there, you travel to Peru and just enjoy your time there, knowing you are doing something that very few people are able to do. Showing the world you have a heart that is big enough to just simply help others who need your help so badly! Why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of an amazing opportunity?

CC Joseph A Ferris III

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5 Tips for Travelling on a Budget in Peru http://budgettravelintentions.net/5-tips-for-travelling-on-a-budget-in-peru/ http://budgettravelintentions.net/5-tips-for-travelling-on-a-budget-in-peru/#comments Sun, 21 Oct 2012 09:15:54 +0000 http://budgettravelintentions.net/?p=502 Peru is the ideal location for an exotic holiday. If you think that you’ll require a lot of money to get here, you’re most likely wrong. Here are a few useful tips for travelling to Peru on a budget: 5 Tips for Travelling on a Budget in Peru - Look for Decent Conditions, Not for the [...]

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Peru is the ideal location for an exotic holiday. If you think that you’ll require a lot of money to get here, you’re most likely wrong. Here are a few useful tips for travelling to Peru on a budget:

5 Tips for Travelling on a Budget in Peru - Look for Decent Conditions, Not for the Most Luxurious ones

If you go on a trip it’s unlikely to get much rest. You’re most likely to spend your holiday exploring the new destination, so the time you’ll spend at your hotel/guesthouse will be rather short. Therefore, there’s no obvious reason to pay more for facilities which you might not use, such as air conditioning, room minibar, room service, cleaning services etc. If you want to get to explore all the Peru’s sights, then a bed and a bathroom will most likely suffice.

If you want to taste the specific food area, you’ll be pleased to hear that Peru has very complex dishes, reflected from several continents, such as Italy, Japan, French and England. The best place to serve a meal in Peru is a restaurant, but since they can be quite expensive, there are other alternatives you can look for, like cafeterias and self-service markets. If you want only a snack, the best solution is a tin can; it’s both insexpensive and a real time saver.

5 Tips for Travelling on a Budget in Peru - Document Yourself

You want to know the most appealing attractions of Peru without having to pay for a guide? If so, the best solution is to access the internet. Various maps and guidebooks are available online, and you can print them yourself instead of buying them from a library, which is a more expensive method. In addition, the internet can provide useful tips and suggestions from those who visited the country before, and most of times these information can be found from official sources too.

Also, make sure to book online through the internet. Most of the times you will find several discounts for different services, such as rail transport in Peru.

5 Tips for Travelling on a Budget in Peru - Try to Resist Buying Souvenirs

Most of these items that don’t have a real use, and some of them are even of poor quality. If you would live in those places, it’s most likely that you wouldn’t buy them for these reasons. If you want to have memories from your trip, snap a lot of camera photos. The more, the merrier !

5 Tips for Travelling on a Budget in Peru - Look for Coupons

When you visit Peru it can be of great help to search for special offers which allow you to visit more and cheaper more, at cheaper prices. Vouchers are available for most museums and attractions in Peru, you just have to look for them at the hotel receptions, at tourist information centers and basically in any place where tourists can be found.

5 Tips for Travelling on a Budget in Peru - Plan Your Holiday well before Time

If you book your holiday before time you’ll most likely benefit from generous discounts, the so-called early-booking. It’s also recommended to avoid travelling to Peru during the main season (commonly between December and March), because prices are higher during that period and the city is very crowded.

If you follow the above-mentioned steps, you will most likely benefit from a wonderful (and inexpensive) holiday in Peru, a country which is renowned for its unique attractions.

CC Pedrosimoes7

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